The race of feelings

On a beautiful sunny day, all the feelings arrived to prepare for the big race. Anxiety was the first to arrive, as it could not wait to start. However, the doubt was the last to arrive, since it was always questioning where this race was going. The discouragement had unfortunately given up before the race even started.
But, the joy, taking a big leap forward, said: “come on my friends!”. And all the feelings were preparing for the start: 3,2,1, now!
However, sadness started to cry saying, “How can I get to the end?” The pain then fell and started to scream. Then intolerance screamed: “shut up now!”, and the pain replied: “I can’t take it anymore, I’ll stop”.
Courage spoke aloud: “come on friends, we can all win!” With that, the envy promptly manifested: “I don’t know for what you waste your time encouraging!” Hope decided to speak loudly: “guys, we’re close to getting there!”.
Love, oh love, always quiet and watching everything, said: “What do you think about holding hands together and stop fighting? Isn’t life too short to waste time? Let’s enjoy each moment together friends!”
And in that way, all the feelings got excited, held hands and won the race together.
The doubt, which questioned whether it could do it, got there. Anxiety realized that it was not worth despairing. Discouragement was overcome by hope. Sadness was lifted by the leap of joy. The pain was invigorated by the words of courage. Envy gave way to love and hope always believed that they could do it.
Today you also live in a race called life. At times, the pain may scream and want to stop. Anxiety sometimes doesn’t let you enjoy the good times. Doubt appears and brings anguish to the heart.
Courage helps you to keep walking. Sadness, however, once again makes you stop. Envy looks around and begins to complain and intolerance, which accepts nothing, does not delay in raging. But love, yes, love:
Love “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.” (1 Corinthians 13: 7,8).
Even if you have bad times, difficulties and feel discouraged, love makes you endure. If it weren’t for love, it would be worthless!
Always remember that with Jehovah everything is possible, however difficult it may seem!
"Love never fails (1 Corinthians 13: 7,8)".
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