Learn to Trust in Jehovah

Moses and the people of Israel are one of the greatest mathematical miracles in the world. Moses went out with the people to the desert, but how would he deal with it? There were 3.5 million people to feed, it would certainly require a lot of food. According to a general in the United States army, Moses should have 1,500 tons of food a day. To use as a reference, two 2034,12ft long freight trains would be needed to transport all this food.

But, in addition, we must remember that they were in the desert, therefore, they would need firewood to cook the food, that is, they would need 4,000 tons of wood (or several other 620m long trains), and this for just 1 day. Now, consider this…

Would you have had the same confidence that Moses had to guide all those people?

Moses and the people stayed in the desert for 40 years. In addition to food and firewood, they also needed to drink water, and if they used only what was necessary to drink and wash some dishes, they would need 11 million gallons of water a day, that is, a freight train with 4,24 miles long water tanks, only for water. It was desert, there were no lakes around them and the only water they had access to was a few wells. The big question is: how did they get so much water?

Another curious point was that each time they camped at the end of the day, it was necessary to have a space of 169.26 mi², that is, 9,3 miles wide by 11,5 miles long. This is all for one night of camping. Did Moses consider all this before going out with the people of Israel to the desert or did he trust his God?


In fact, all those people crossed the Red Sea in a single night. If everyone crossed the narrowest part of the Sea in a double line, the line would have been 308,2 miles long. Yes, that’s all! It would take 35 nights to cross the sea in these conditions, which means that possibly to make this crossing there had to be at least a space in the Red Sea at least 4,02 miles wide and walk 5,000 side by side to reach the other side in one night. Moses put all his trust in Jehovah and obeyed his voice.

He recognized that Jehovah would supply and care for them in all these things. And Jehovah really made it all possible, miraculously guiding them!

The lesson for us, Jehovah’s servants today, is that Jehovah is still the same God of Moses’ day, who guided, supplied, and cared for all those people, without lacking anything. He himself says this to us in the Bible at Malachi 3: 6. He says: “For I am Jehovah; I do not change. ”

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