How Often Should You Clean The House? The Expert Answer

Cleaning the house is a must-have task, but many wonder how often it should be done. Find out in this article what some experts say on the subject.

How often should the house be cleaned? Hateful household chores are always there, waiting. But did you know that organization is very important in cleaning? Making a small table every day, having some kind of detailed plan, allows you not to find yourself in a tragic situation where you have to solve all the tasks at the same time.

A team from the Good Housekeeping Institute wanted to publish a list of household chores, dividing them into the most important, daily and those that should be done weekly and monthly.


House cleaning: daily tasks

Starting with the bathroom. You know very well that sanitary ware tends to get dirty easily. Experts recommend cleaning the bathroom thoroughly once a week and basic cleaning every day.

The kitchen is also the most popular environment. Whenever you cook, the stove gets dirty and it should be cleaned every day. It is also very important to wash the dishes, put the dirty clothes in the laundry basket and make the beds. These are the daily operations.

Weekly cleaning

You can wash the washing machine up to once a week. Among the other items you have to clean weekly are rugs. Always keep in mind that the latter are a nest of germs and bacteria. A dirty carpet can cause breathing problems in a human being.

It is very important to dust off and change the sheets at least once a week. Switches and remote control should also be cleaned once a week. Nobody ever thinks about it, but stop for a second and think. Are they or are they not the objects that you touch the most at home? So, try to imagine how many germs and bacteria can accumulate on the surface.

Monthly cleaning

Clean windows, move furniture and vacuum underneath, wash curtains and doormats. These are the operations that must be done at least once a month.

You can also clean every 3-6 months the oven and refrigerator, the duvet and vacuum the mattress.

Once a year, you have to clean the gutters, chimney and light fixtures. If you manage to divide up the housework like this, you’ll end up with a house that’s always clean!

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