Are you really an obedient person?

One afternoon, the son had just taken a shower and was playing in the yard. Suddenly the father, desperate, went out the door and shouted at him to immediately lie down on the floor.

The son, without arguing, soon lay down and the father, then, told him to look up and the son obeyed again.

He might as well have said to his father: “But dad, I just took a shower, if I lie down on the floor, I will get my clothes dirty!”

If the son had said this to his father instead of obeying him soon, do you know what would have happened? He would have died.

Because when the father told the child to look up, he could see a dangerous snake hanging from the tree above him.

The father had asked his son to lie on the floor and remain immobile for his protection, because he loved his son and wanted to protect him.

When Jehovah warns you of danger, do you obey him just as this child did with his father? Or do you question everything He says to you and try to do things your way? Remember that Jehovah, like this father, loves you and all he wants to do is protect you, even though it initially doesn’t seem to make much sense.


When an elder, brother or sister gives you a biblically based suggestion, knowing that it is for your good, do you listen and accept the suggestion or question and ignore it?

See what some texts say:

1 Timothy 4:6
“By giving this counsel to the brothers, you will be a fine minister of Christ Jesus, one nourished with the words of the faith and of the fine teaching that you have followed closely”

Isaiah 28:29
“This also comes from Jehovah of armies, Whose counsel is wonderful And whose achievements are great”

Note that if you are unable to accept the advice, suggestions and help that the brothers give you now, you are unlikely to be present in the new world that Jehovah promises, because before his servants are there, they will need to demonstrate obedience without question.

Proverbs 1:30
“They refused my advice; They disrespected all my reproof.”

Ecclesiastes 4:13
“Better is a poor but wise child than an old but stupid king, who no longer has enough sense to heed a warning”

1 Peter 4:17
“For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God?”

"If Jehovah asked you to lie down, would you be asking why or would you lie down soon?".


It’s A Life

Life is very precious to God. A terrified woman arrives...

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