Let the Anger Dry

Once a girl got a beautiful toy as a gift from her parents, but a little friend took it from her house without permission and destroyed it even before she played with it even once.

She was very angry and wanted to go to her friend’s house to fight with her. But her mother pondered:

“Do you remember that time you came home with mud on your shoe? You wanted to immediately clean up that mess, but your grandmother wouldn’t let you. She told you to let the clay dry so it would be easier to clean.”

“Yes, mom, I remember,” said the child.


“Well, my love, it’s the same thing with anger. Let it dry first, then it’s much easier to sort everything out,” the mother replied.

Later, the bell rang: it was the friend bringing a new toy, to replace the one she had broken, for which she apologized.

And the girl replied:

“It doesn’t matter, no, my anger has dried up!”

“Beginning a fight is like opening a floodgate; before the quarrel breaks out, take your leave.” (Proverbs 17:14)

Likewise, the Bible advises us never to try to resolve things with anger, as it is a feeling that can make us act or say things that we may regret later and, moreover, we can hurt someone with it.

Also, we must always be careful not to cultivate this feeling for anything or anyone, because it can corrode us inside and do us a lot of harm, making us difficult people to live with.

Thus, we should always seek to resolve any issue we may have, whether with a sibling, a relative or a friend, with a cool head, so that we can act wisely.

So, brothers and sisters, remember what the text of Proverbs 16:32 says: “The one slow to anger is better than a mighty man, and the one controlling his temper than one conquering a city.”

Let’s practice forgiveness, which will make Jehovah happier and bring more happiness and peace to us and those around us.

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