In Search Of The Lost Shoe

A very kind and generous elderly man was waiting patiently at the bus stop. When the bus arrived, the driver was in a great hurry and as soon as the passengers got on, he quickly started the bus, leaving the elderly man trapped, who pulled his leg stuck and threw his shoe away.

The elderly man patiently removed his other shoe and threw it out the window onto the street.

A very curious young man who watched everything, could not understand what had just happened. So he couldn’t resist and asked the old man:
– Why did you throw your other shoe out of the window?

The wise old man started to smile and explained to the young man:
My boy, what’s the use of having only one shoe? No doubt someone will find them, right? Now ask yourself who would pick up street shoes?

The young man replied: 
– Without a doubt someone in great need!

So, the old man said: 
– Very well! Only someone in need will care for a shoe worn in the street, but it will do them no good if they don’t have a complete pair.


Luke 3:11 says: "In reply he said to them: “Let the man who has two garments share with the man who has none, and let the one who has something to eat do the same.”

Conclusion: Are you in the habit of helping others with their material goods? We must do our best to help those in need. It is always good to help people physically too, and in doing so we will be imitating our loving Heavenly Father.

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