How Much Does Your Seat In The Kingdom Hall Cost?

Once at a recent Circuit Assembly, the Circuit Superintendent spoke about meeting attendance:

How much would you pay for a seat in an Opera Concert?
How much would you pay for a seat at a Popular Music Show?
How much money would you pay for a seat at one of the World’s Best Educational Institutes?

He went on to compare how much money many people pay just for a chair so they can be in the place they want. Then, looking at the assistance, he asked:

And your chair at the Kingdom Hall, can you put a price tag on it? God’s Word says, YES you can.

And he continued by reading Acts 20:28, which advises overseers to “shepherd the congregation of God, which he purchased with the blood of his own Son.”

He then lowered his bible and asked emphatically:

So, what is the price of your Chair in the Kingdom Hall if there was a price tag?


The silence that existed in the assistance was broken with the Superintendent’s response, who shouted:

It would certainly be written: ‘The Blood of the Son of God, Jesus Christ!’

And he highlighted the fact that nowhere else in the world does a seat that has a high price is empty. But at the Kingdom Hall, why then, at such a higher price, are there empty seats? Since this price for the permanence of the participants has already been PAID?

"We need to value our seat in the kingdom hall, for it has the highest price of all."

Your seat at the Kingdom Hall has been reserved especially for you.

It is the shed blood of Jesus Christ that is responsible, so with such a HIGH PRICE, please never leave your SEAT EMPTY!

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