Family Worship – tip 8

Family Worship


Recreation and responsibility.

Family without children

Managing time is very important, so knowing how to balance time spent with recreation and responsibility is essential. Access the recreation and responsibility balance worksheet on and print a copy for each family member. After reading the content and studying the illustration, ask each member to analyze how they are spending their time. In this pandemic period that we are going through it is very easy to let the fun take over the day, so now more than ever we must analyze how we are enjoying our time. Talk to each other and ask each member to say what they are willing to do to make the most of their time during the week – set goals. At the end of the week, talk about the goals you managed to achieve and those you did not, thinking about why they failed and what is needed to achieve them.

Family with children - teenagers

Access the recreation and responsibility balance worksheet on and print a copy for each family member. After reading the content and studying the illustration, ask each member to analyze how they are spending their time. In this pandemic period that we are going through it is very easy to let the fun take over the day, so now more than ever we must analyze how we are enjoying our time. How much time is used with technology for non-spiritual things? Talk to each other and ask each member to say what they are willing to do to make the most of their time during the week – set goals. Put the website illustration into practice and, if you want, exchange the bucket for a glass, the sand for sugar and the rocks for corks and ask each member to fill their glasses according to their time (give preference to transparent glasses). At the end of the week repeat the illustration, but now considering the changes you have made and compare the glasses. Talk about the goals you managed to achieve and those you did not, thinking about why they failed and what it takes to achieve them.


Family with children - children

Access the recreation and responsibility balance worksheet on and print a copy for each family member. After reading the content and studying the illustration, ask each member to analyze how they are spending their time. In this pandemic period that we are going through it is very easy to let the fun take over the day, so now more than ever we must analyze how we are enjoying our time. Put the website’s illustration into practice and, if you want, exchange the bucket for a glass, the sand for sugar and the rocks for corks and ask each member to fill his glass according to his time (give preference to transparent glasses). Ask them to do the activity twice. The first time putting the sugar (sand) first and the second time putting the corks (rocks) first. Then ask what they saw differently between them and do it together again, but according to their time spent and ask them to analyze with you what can be done to change or improve the use of time.

Illustration of how to manage the time between recreation and responsibility
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