Family Worship – tip 12

Family Worship

TIP 12

Spiritual armor

Family without children

Search in the Bible for an account of the spiritual armor to make a deeper study of what each part of that armor means. Then, search in the Insight book or in the Watchtower Online Library for spiritual armor as well to know what each part of that armor means to us today. You can share the story so that each one reads one part, including the biblical texts. After reading each part, comment on what you thought was important and how you can apply each part of the armor in your life. It is a good idea to separate a notebook just for family worship so that you can make notes about what you have studied. Make a drawing or print each part of the armor (we leave an image with molds of the armor to copy or print below) and write down the biblical text that talks about it, what it means to us today and what we need to do to dress our spiritual armor.

Family with children - teenagers

Search in the Bible for an account of the spiritual armor to make a deeper study of what each part of that armor means. Then, search in the Insight book or in the Watchtower Online Library for spiritual armor as well to know what each part of that armor means to us today. You can share the story so that each one reads one part, including the biblical texts. After reading each part, comment on what you thought was important and how you can apply each part of the armor in your life. It is a good idea to separate a notebook just for family worship so that you can make notes about what you have studied. Make a drawing or print each part of the armor (we leave an image with molds of the armor to copy or print below) and write down the biblical text that talks about it, what it means to us today and what we need to do to dress our spiritual armor.

Family Worship

Family with children - children

Search in the Bible for an account of the spiritual armor to make a deeper study of what each part of that armor means. Then, search in the Insight book or in the Watchtower Online Library for spiritual armor as well to know what each part of that armor means to us today. Read the story to your children, including Bible texts, one part at a time and let them comment on what they understand. It is a good idea to separate a notebook just for family worship so that you can make notes about what you have studied. To make the study more interesting, you can make all parts of the armor using cardboard, glue, tape and paint. Once ready, ask your children what each part of the armor means these days and how they can put on it. As they respond correctly, they also wear the corresponding part of the armor. Have fun.

Family Worship
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