Does Jehovah recognize you?

A speaker was giving a public talk and then he started to tell a story of a wolf and a farmer. He started:

“Brothers and sisters, I am going to tell you a story about a farmer who kept sheep and constantly had problems with wolves. This farmer loved his sheep so much and did not want to lose any of them. One day the wolves appeared on his property and the farmer ran and quickly grabbed his shotgun and fired, killing all the wolves.

But as he aimed his shotgun in the shade, he could see a wolf cub huddled beside the fence. The farmer took pity on him, picked him up and put him inside his coat and took him home.

Over time, the wolf cub grew up and the farmer became attached to him. He always took him to help taking care of his sheep and they also loved the wolf cub, they thought he was one of them.

The wolf cub learned to call sheep by their names, just as the farmer did and the farmer trusted him to look after his sheep when he had to go to town to buy something.

However, one day the wolf cub was walking through the farmer’s field and heard a noise in the bushes. He ran to the fence to see what it was and found a pack of wolves. These ones seemed happy to see him.

However, the wolf cub did not recognize them. Then, each of the wolves began to tell him everything they were doing for fun. They could run anywhere they wanted, do what they wanted, without orders. So, they invited him to go to the other side of the fence with them. The wolf cub began to think that he had never crossed over to it. The more he listened, the more he thought about the other side of the fence, and so he started to wonder if he was missing something. Immediately, he started digging under the fence and went out with the other wolves.

"The more he listened, the more he thought and wonder if he was missing something".


He lived with the wolves for three seasons. They had plenty of food and did what they wanted. Everything seemed so much fun and he felt so happy because he was sure he had made the right choice by joining the pack. However winter was coming and with that came the hunger and the cold, leaving the place where they slept very icy.

The wolf cub began to think about when he was with the farmer and how he never slept feeling cold and hungry. Soon he heard the pack leader announce that it was time to pick up some sheep from the farmer so they could survive the winter. The wolf cub then exclaimed: ‘Do not hurt them, they are my friends!’ But the leader replied: ‘Now you are one of us and you will do as I say’.

The leader gave the order and everyone started running towards the farmer’s land and the wolf cub followed. As soon as they reached the fence they started to dig, but the farmer, hearing the flurry of his sheep, picked up his shotgun and ran to protect them.

He killed all the wolves, one by one and suddenly came face to face with the wolf cub, who had also dug the fence with the others. Desperate, the wolf cub shouted, “Wait, don’t shoot! It’s me, the wolf cub you raised! Don’t you remember me?”

The farmer watched him and felt that he smelled like all other wolves. Then the farmer said: “No, I don’t know you” He took his shotgun and shot him ”.


"The farmer watched him and even felt that he smelled like the other wolves".

When the speaker finished telling the story, there was silence in the Kingdom Hall. He looked at the assistance and said, “Brothers and sisters, when Armageddon arrives and Jesus fulfills his role as executor, will he recognize you?”

It is necessary to make use of the world only for what is necessary, without mixing with it, so that your ‘brand’ as a Christian is not lost or overshadowed. Ask yourself: are you using the world in a way that your brand is not perceived?

Do you look so much like your co-workers, classmates or neighbors, that even your way of speaking, acting and dressing is like theirs? Is your ‘smell’ like theirs?

Could it be that after having made changes in your life and ‘dressing up with a new personality’ you let yourself be seduced by this world again?

You have to take a stand and be distinguished. You cannot be like a chameleon who behaves like a Christian in meetings and in front of brothers and sisters, but have the opposite attitude when they are not around.

When you are inside the fence, in Jehovah’s organization, you will be fed, cared for and will never feel cold, so you will never want to be outside it.

Think about it: do you always have time to watch a movie or go to a party, but when it comes to serving Jehovah is it difficult to fit on the schedule? Where have you spent most of your free time, with spiritual things or having fun?

If you reflect on what Jehovah has already given you and continues giving, you will have many reasons to be close to him!

Strengthen your relationship with Jehovah every day, so you will never be carried away by the conversation of those on the other side of the fence!

"If we reflect on what Jehovah has given and gives us, we have many reasons to be close to Him!".


Pushing The Bus

In a speech, a brother shared the following illustration:A man...

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